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Guideline of Poster and Oral Presentations

Author Guidelines

1. Guideline of Poster Presentations

The poster board provided is approximately 90 cm height by 60 cm width. Please limit the size of your entire poster or poster sections with the specified length.

Be sure to include the abstract title, author names, and the institution where the work was completed, in large letters centered at the top of the poster. Place your address, phone number and email address in the upper right-hand corner. Your contact information is not mandatory.

We suggest that you place a reproduction of the abstract in the upper left side of the poster, and use the headings "Introduction", "Methods", "Results" and "Conclusions" to identify your poster layout. Include an acknowledgment section, containing anyone who helped you conduct this project/research.

Lay your poster sections in a logical order so that other scientists can follow your presentation. A good method is setting up your poster in a column format so that individuals interested can read your poster, 1st vertical, then top to bottom, and then left to right.

Use a type size that can be read easily from a considerable distance (4 feet or more). Try using a type between 14-20 pt. The title should be larger than the rest of the text. Select a legible font such as Times Roman, Times New Roman.

Space your information proportionally: divide your poster either horizontally or vertically into three or four sections, and place your materials within those spaces. Like a layout of a magazine.

Come prepared with any relevant handouts you may wish to share and business cards to hand out.

When choosing a background, remember that neutral or gray colors will be easier on the eyes than a bright color. In addition, color photos look best when mounted on gray.

The presentation number assigned to the poster presentation should not be placed on your poster. The poster boards will be numbered for you.

No computers or extra aids may be used during a poster presentation.

Posters should stimulate discussion, not give a long presentation. Therefore, keep text to a minimum, emphasize graphics, and make sure every item in your poster is necessary.

Poster presenters are expected to publish their poster with their own expense as per the guidance provided.

Try not to stand directly in front of your poster, allow other scientists to view the entire poster. Stand to the side.

Keep your poster presentation to ~10 minutes per visitor/judge.

2. Guideline of Oral Presentations

Graphics you project on the screen should provide the visual information/photos your audience needs to understand as regards your message. Make sure tables, graphs, charts are labeled. Make sure your presentation is visible in a size of 100 seats. Graphs, charts and diagrams shouldn’t be complex. Keep them CLEAR and SIMPLE.

Vary the size of lettering to emphasize headings and subheadings - but avoid using more than three font sizes in your presentation.

Keep color scheme consistent throughout your presentation. Changing colors and type styles can be very confusing and distract from your message.

Arial type is typically more clean and legible.

Each slide should have a title.

Most effective background colors - blue, turquoise, purple, magenta. A good rule of thumb: use a dark background color with lighter color for text and graphics. Avoid intensely bright or saturated colors that compete with the text. You can never go wrong with black on white or white or yellow on dark blue.

Laser pointers will not be available, you may bring your own if you would like to use one.

You are expected to submit your final presentation to EPHA two weeks before the conference.

Identify your presentation room from EPHA annual program book. The EPHA staffs will assist you in uploading your presentation. Rooms will be equipped with a computer and LCD project.

Practice, practice, practice.

Prepare for potential questions.

When asked a question during your presentation, repeat the question so that the entire audience knows what the question is.

Make sure your presentation is prepared for 10 minutes presentation and 5 minutes for questions and answers.


Start here to submit a paper to this conference.


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