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Use our library and enjoy reliable service!!!

EPHA Library and E-learning Center is an instrument to disseminating and utilizing scientific information with a view to upgrading public health knowledge of professionals and EPHA members.

EPHA Library and E- learning Center was officially launched in January 2007. Now, the library has 2,230 copies of 1292 different title books and publications. In addition to this collection, the library has 342 copies of 171 title theses, 696 copies of 43 title Journals, and 277 copies of 88 title EPHA publications. In total, the library currently has 3,551 copies of 1594 title collections.

Besides the reading service, the center provides internet service to EPHA members with 4 GB broad band with Wi-Fi service and there are 8 computers for users, who do not have their own laptops.

The center is open to serve you from Monday - Friday morning 8:30 -12:30 and afternoon 1:30 – 5:00.

You can find the EPHA library and e-learning Center on Ambessa Building, 5th Floor, Meskel Road

Our goal is providing reliable and up-to-date public health related information to health professionals, researchers and students.

We invite you to use our library and enjoy reliable service.

Use our library and enjoy reliable service!!!

EPHA Library and E-learning Center is an instrument to disseminating and utilizing scientific information with a view to upgrading public health knowledge of professionals and EPHA members.

EPHA Library and E- learning Center was officially launched in January 2007. Now, the library has 2,230 copies of 1292 different title books and publications. In addition to this collection, the library has 342 copies of 171 title theses, 696 copies of 43 title Journals, and 277 copies of 88 title EPHA publications. In total, the library currently has 3,551 copies of 1594 title collections.

Besides the reading service, the center provides internet service to EPHA members with 164 GB broad band service and there are 8 computers for users, who do not have their own laptops.

The center is open to serve you from Monday - Friday morning 8:30 -12:30 and afternoon 1:30 – 5:00.

Our goal is providing reliable and up-to-date public health related information to health professionals, researchers and students.
We invite you to use our library and enjoy reliable service.


Trainees of the 12th Cohort of Leadership in Strategic Information Graduated

The Ethiopian Public Health Association (EPHA) jointly with the University of Mekele graduated 20 health professionals trained in Leadership in Strategic Information (LSI) on August 16, 2014 in Mekele town. 

Trainees of the 12 cohort, who were recruited from hospitals, the Tigray Regional Bureau and zonal offices, were trained for six months.

During the graduation ceremony, which was held in Axum hotel, trainees presented and defended their research findings in three concurrent sessions.
Welcoming graduates and invited guests of the ceremony, Ato Teklay, representative of Tigray Regional Health Bureau, accentuated on the significance of the training in strengthening the research capacity of the region.

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