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EPHA Honors Outstanding Public Health Professionals and Institutions

At the opening ceremony of the 25th Annual Conference and  Silver Jubilee Anniversary of EPHA  that was attended by over 1500 participants on February 20, 2014, the Ethiopian Public Health Association has honored three public health professionals and an institution with distinctive categories of long serving public health professional, senior research, junior research and institutional awards.  Hence, Professor Melkie Edris, who has long been serving in the University of Gondar as a teacher and researcher, has been respected with long serving public health professionals prize.  

Similarly, Dr Almaz Abebe from Ethiopian Public Health Institute, Ato Eshetu Girma from Jimma University and Consortium Christian Relief and Development Associations (CCRDA) have received the senior, junior public health research and institutional awards respectively.

EPHA Celebrates its Silver Jubilee Anniversary with a Range of Activities and Programs

The Ethiopian Public Health Association (EPHA) has colorfully celebrated its silver jubilee anniversary and the 25th annual conference of the Association with over 1500 participation from various corners of the country and abroad in the Conference Center of the African Union.

Lasted from 20 to 22 of February 2014, the conference discussed over a total of 289 scientific papers, of which 149 were oral and the remaining 140 poster presentations with thematic areas that include HIV/TB, Outbreaks, Nutrition, Maternal Health, Environmental Health, Mental Health and Non-Communicable Diseases, Child Health, Health Care Financing, Adolescent Health, Malaria, and Lab based studies.

Keynote addresses were made by Dr Mengistu Asnake on the behalf of Mr. Jim Chauvin, President WFPA, Professor Mengesha Admassu, President of Gondar University, Dr Jeffrey Hanson, Country Director of CDC Ethiopia, and W/ro. Yemsrach Belayneh, Country Representative for David, Lucile and Packard Foundation Ethiopia Office accenting on the real meanings of their partnership with EPHA.

New Executive Board Members Elected

Three new board members have been elected by the general assembly of the Ethiopian Public Health Association during the business meeting of the 25th annual conference convened on the 22nd of February 2014, in the African Union Conference Center.  The board members were elected in a fair and transparent voting system that was held among eight contenders nominated as qualified candidates.  The election was conducted in accordance with the memorandum of the Association to substitute Dr Tewabech Bishaw, president, Dr Assefa Sime and S/r Workinesh Kereta who ardently served in the executive board of EPHA for successive four years and finished their terms of office in February 2014.

HIV Drug Resistance Strategy and Protocol Development Consultative Meeting Held in Addis Ababa

The HIV Drug Resistance Strategy and Protocol Development Consultative meeting was jointly organized by the WHO, EPHA, EHNRI and the African Society of Laboratory Medicine from June 25 to 27; where 52 leading public health professionals from 10 countries shared their most up-to-date knowledge and experiences on HIV drug resistance, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

In her keynote address to participants of the workhop, Dr Tewabech Bishaw, President of EPHA, mentioned that local professionals would use the opportunity to share and highlight Ethiopia’s valuable knowledge and experience on HIV drug resistance.

She noted that the Ethiopian Public Health Association is honored and privileged to partner with WHO, ASLM and EHNRI in organizing the consultative workshop to address the issues on HIV Drug Resistance which is Africa’s most critical public health challenge of the time.

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