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Members of CRC Club Visit the Macedonians Humanitarian Association

Students of Dr. Haddis Alemayehu secondary school with Caring, Respectful and Compassionate health practice (CRC) facilitators of EPHA visited the Macedonians Humanitarian Association on 25 July 2019.

18 students of the school have engaged at the practical session of care, respectful and compassionate activity and they gave 1,600 ETB to the charity out of pity.
Since Macedonia is a home for elderly and disabled people, the purpose of the visit was to demonstrate the practical part of CRC in a real scenario,
It is to be recalled that EPHA has established CRC clubs in various universities and high schools.

EPHA Took Part in a Green Legacy Campaign

Members of Ethiopian Public Health Association (EPHA) Executive Board, Advisory Council, General Assembly representative, and EPHA secretariats have involved in planting 200 million seedlings in a single day on 29th of July 2019 in Oromia region West Shoa zone, at Addis Alem city.

As part of his green legacy goal, Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed has set an initiative to plant 4 billion trees within 2 years.

Records showed that a total of 353,633,660 tree seedlings had been planted in 12 hours which represents a world record to tackle climate change.

Participants from EPHA said that it is proud to be part of this historic event.

“We will continue our effort to combat the consequences of deforestation and climate change.” They added.

It is recalled that EPHA’s 30th conference main theme was about impacts of climate change on public health; mainly on the challenges of Ethiopia in the 21st century.

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