Presentations and Authors

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Health Management and Policy

Is deployment of trained and skilled nurses to rural villages a remedy for the low skilled delivery in Ethiopia? A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Community Trial Untitled
Taddese Alemu Zerfu, Henok Taddese Ayele, Girma Tenkolu Bunie, Tariku Nigatu Bogale, Amare Deribew

Human resource for Health

Perceptions of health managers on factors that affect the satisfaction and intentionto leave of public sector health workers in Ethiopia: A cross sectional Study
Shelemo Shawula Kachara, Tegbar Yigzaw Sendekie, Damtew woldemariam Dagoye, Mesfin Kifle Edo, Zeine Abosse anore
Evaluation of Master of Science in Integrated Clinical and Community Mental Health program in Ethiopia PPT
matiwos Soboka Daba, Markos Tesfaye, Kristina Adorjan, Sandra Dehning, Tsedeke Asaminew, Mubarek Abera, Andrea Jobst, Matthias Siebeck

Behavioral Science and Communication

Physical Activity Behavior among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients Using Trans-Theoretical Model in Wolaita Sodo University Teaching Hospital, Southern Ethiopia
getu debalkie demissie

Maternal Health

The Effectiveness of Post-Training Mentoring on Health Care Provider’s Knowledge and Skills Retention in Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care
Muluneh Yigzaw Mossie, Firew Ayalew Desta, Hannah Gibson, Gizachew Eyassu Aynalem
Antenatal care and women’s decision making power as determinants of institutional delivery in rural area of Western Ethiopia XML
Birhanu Yadecha Dibaba

Nutrition and Food Science

Dietary diversity and associated factors among infant and young children in Northwest Ethiopia: a community based cross-sectional study
aysheshim kassahun belew, Bekri mehammed, zegeye Abebe Abitew, Berihun Assefa Dachew

Biomedical Science

Seoprevalence and risk factors of Hepatitis C Virus Infections and Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV) among Pregnant Women attending Antenatal Care Clinic in Western Ethiopia
Eyasu Ejeta Duken

Neonatology, infant, child and adolescent health

Trends, causes and risk factors of mortality among under-five children in Ethiopia during 1990 to 2013: Findings from the Global Burden of Diseases Study 2013 XML
Amare Deribew

non-communicable disease, mental health and substance use

Uncontrolled asthma and associated factors among adult asthmatic patients on follow-up at chest clinic of Jimma University specialized hospital, south-west Ethiopia.
Fekede Bekele Daba, Korinan Fanta
Mental Health Disorder: Magnitude, perception about the disease and Health care seeking and associated factors among Adult People Living in Dire Dawa administration
Merga Dheresa

HIV, TB and Maleria

Anti Malaria Drug Utilization Pattern in Selected Malarious Areas of Ilu Aba Bora Zone Health Facilities, Oromiya Regional State, South West Ethiopia
Sileshi Dubale
Delays to seek care and treatment among tuberculosis patients on directly observed treatment short course (DOTS) in districts of Southwestern Ethiopia
Abyot Asres, Abyot Asres, Degu Jerene, Wakgari Deressa
Multidrug resistant tuberculosis: prevalence and risk factors in districts of metema and west armachiho, Northwest Ethiopia.
Feleke Mekonnen Demeke
Factors affecting malaria diagnosis and treatment delay among children in east Shewa Zone of Oromia Region, Ethiopia XML
yusuf daud haji, Wakgari Deressa