Presentations and Authors

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Health Management and Policy

Is deployment of trained and skilled nurses to rural villages a remedy for the low skilled delivery in Ethiopia? A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Community Trial Untitled
Taddese Alemu Zerfu, Henok Taddese Ayele, Girma Tenkolu Bunie, Tariku Nigatu Bogale, Amare Deribew

Maternal Health

An innovative community based approach doubled uptake of long acting family planning methods in rural Ethiopia; a cluster randomized community trial. Untitled
Taddese Alemu Zerfu, Taddese Taddese Zerfu, Henok Taddese Ayele, Tariku Nigatu Bogale
Factors associated with birth preparedness and complication readiness in Southern Ethiopia: a community based cross-sectional study XML
Eshetu Andarge Zeleke, Aderajew Nigussie, Mekitie Wondafrash

Environmental and Occupational Health

Prevalence of Respiratory Morbidities and Factors associated, among workers in Mugher cement factory
zewdu dagnew zeleke

Nutrition and Food Science

Maternal dietary and nutrition sensitive characteristics associated with risk of anemia at term, in a prospective cohort study, in rural Ethiopia
Taddese Alemu Zerfu, Melaku Umeta, Kaleab Baye
Determinants of anemia among pregnant mothers attending Antenatal Care service at Asossa Zone public health institutions, West Ethiopia
Ejigu Gebeye Zeleke
Prevalence of goiter and associated factors among school aged (6-12 years) children in Dabat District, northwest Ethiopia. A school based cross-sectional study
Ejigu Gebeye Zeleke

Biomedical Science

Intensive Care Units and Operating Rooms Bacterial Load and Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern PPT
mengistu hailemariam zenebe
Larvicidal effect of Endod (Phytolacca dodecandra) seed products against Anopheles arabiensis (Diptera: Culicidae) in Ethiopia
Ayalew Jejaw Zeleke

Neonatology, infant, child and adolescent health

Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus among HIV positive Pediatric Patients in Northwest Ethiopia: By GenoType MRSA Molecular Line Probe Assay
Yohannes Yohannes Zenebe, Yohannes Yohannes Zenebe, Martha Tibebu Lemma, Begna Tulu Etcha, Daniel Mekonnen Nigus, Zewudie Mekonnen

non-communicable disease, mental health and substance use

Complications of Diabetes Mellitus and Factors Associated among Adult Patients attending Diabetes Mellitus Clinic in Dessie Referral and Teaching Hospital, Northeast Ethiopia, 2015
Alemayehu Bekele Mengesha, Wolansa Zewdu

HIV, TB and Maleria

Disclosure of HIV Sero-Status and Use of Memory Aid Has Strong Association with Adherence to Anti-Retroviral Treatment among People Living with HIV/AIDS at Teppi Health Center, Southwest Ethiopia
Ejigu Gebeye Zeleke
Mortality and determinant factors of second line antiretroviral treatment among adult HIV infected patients in Amhara region, Ethiopia XML
wagaye alemu zenebe