EPHA Conference Systems, 31st EPHA Annual Conference

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Malaria outbreak investigation at Alge kebele in Negele Arsi district of West Arsi Zone, Oromia Regional state, 2019
Desale Lelisa Mengasha

Last modified: 2020-02-25


Authors- Lelisa Desale Mengesha1, Getahun B1, Yenealem G2, Naod B3

1EFETP Resident at Jimma University, 2Lecturer at Epidemiology Department, Jimma University, 3Residint Advisor at Jimma University

Email-deseoromo1980@gmail.com.                    Mobile-0912856799/0924367761

Background: In March 2019 malaria outbreak were reported from Negele Arsi district. Therefore, the aim of this study was to measure the burden of disease, identify determinants of malaria outbreak and to propose prevention and control measure at Alge kebele of Arsi Negele district, West Arsi zone, 2019.

Method: A descriptive cross sectional study with Community based unmatched case control with ratio of 1 case to 1 control was conducted in Alge kebele, Arsi Negele district from March 18 -28, 2019. A total of 73 cases and 73 controls were conveniently selected and participated in the study. Both descriptive and analytical statistical procedures were utilized and presented by using table, graph and texts. The data was entered using EpiData version 3.1 and analyzed by using SPSS version 21. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to identify independently associated factors at p value <0.05 and declared as statistically significant.

Result: A total of 159 malaria cases were reported from Alge kebele of the district from which plasmodium falciparum accounts about 86.2%. Age group <5 years were the most affected with an AR of 65.5/1000. Populations in gott 02 were more affected by the outbreak. Current case trend line crossed the threshold levels and peaked in 10th WHO week. Presence of mosquito in the house (AOR=8.033; 95% CI; 2.376-27.154), presence of stagnant water near to house (AOR=10.247; 95% CI; 2.914-36.030), Person with malaria in the house (AOR=5.779; 95% CI; 1.437- 23.246) and knowledge able of respondents (AOR= 0.309; 95% CI; 0.098-0.974) were associated risk factors.

Conclusion and Recommendation: The study revealed that the overall attack rate of the outbreak was high. Therefore, it is highly recommended that individuals, communities and government at all levels should focus on preventive measures like ITN utilization, indoor residual spray and removal of potential mosquito breeding sites should be conducted regularly.

Keywords: Malaria, outbreak, Negele Arsi district, Ethiopia