1. Face-to-Face Courses:

EPHA currently providing face-to-face training to health professional with multiple public health short courses following the ongoing assessment, to address the need of its members and, and its external stakeholders. The following courses are newly developed ones, and ready to be provided on face-to-face modality, with reasonable costs. 

  • Leader ship, Management and Governance
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Research Methodology, and ethics
  • Effective Communication in Public Health
  • Scientific Writing Training
  • Knowledge Management Training


EPHA with its elongated partnership with the federal MoH of Ethiopia, and other stakeholders and partners such as JSI/DLA, JHEPAIGO, and others, has been striving to build system to its digital learning and, the conversion of f2f courses to e-learning platform. Currently, we have updated our server and completed our LMS development effort, and soon, we will be reached with multiple e-learning courses and webinars.