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International Front-of-Pack Nutrtion Labels Webinar 2018
October 16 (11am CEST) & October 18 (9pm CEST)

Table of Contents

1.Promoting Healthier Diets: Is Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labelling Part of the Solution?
3.Webinar Content
4.Webinar Programme

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#InformeDiet #FoPL #FoodLabelling #HealthyDiet #WFPHA #Webinar #GlobalCharter

1. Promoting Healthier Diets: Is Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labelling Part of the Solution

Globally, obesity and diet-related diseases are a growing public health issue. A major risk factor is unhealthy diets due to the increasing availability of pre-packaged foods.

By incorporating the scheme presented within the Global Charter for the Public's Health, the WFPHA is organizing an international webinar to explore Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labels as a strategy to prevent diet-related disease and promote healthier eating habits.

In order to establish front-of-package labelling as an effective strategy for NCD prevention and improving the public's well-being, the Webinar will include the following objectives:

  • Facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration
  • Engage professionals from different fields
  • Provide new, innovative & applicable ideas
  • Enhance relationship building
  • Develop community health systems
  • Create guidelines to combat unhealthy diets and NCDs

To allow for global participation, the International Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labels Webinar 2018 will be held on two dates: October 16 (11am CEST) & October 18 (9pm CEST)

If you haven't registered yet, do so by clicking here!

2. Speakers

The WFPHA has invited field experts from around the world to attend the Webinar as panellists where they will discuss how to effectively design and implement effective front-of-pack nutrition label schemes, while looking into the advantages and disadvantages encountered in the development of such systems so far.

For more information on the speakers’ background, check out the flyer and visit the website event page


3. Webinar Content

The Webinar will include topics on:

  • The effectiveness of front-of-package labels in promoting consumers' health: Case study approach from the UK, Australia, New Zealand, France and Chile
  • Barriers encountered when advocating for healthy eating through food labelling
  • Tools to implement advocacy for healthy diets, according to the WFPHA framework of the global charter for the publics' health
  • Collaborative and sustainable implementation of health-promoting tools & schems
  • Evidence-based policy to promote nutritional health on national and global scales Speakers

4. Webinar Programme

Chair: Michael Moore AM: Immediate Past President World Federation of Public Health Associations

First Hour

akers Topics
Michael Moore AM (Australia) Introduction to FoPL as policy to promote healthier diets
Mike Rayner (UK) Traffic Light system in UK
Mary L’Abbe (Canada) FOPL policies in Canada
Chantal Julia (France) Nutri-Score system in France
Cliona NiMhurchu (New Zealand) Health Star Rating system in Australia and New Zealand
Lorena Rodriguez Osiac (Chile) Food warning labels regulation in Chile
Rebecca Boustead (Australia) Industry engagement in FoPL


Second Hour

Discussions with participants

  • Pre-asked questions
  • Live questions
Speakers Topics
Marta Lomazzi (WFPHA) Concluding Remarks

5. Acknowledgments

A special thanks goes to Kellogg's Australia for being our Gold Sponsor and the Australian Government – Health Star Rating for their support at the WFPHA Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labels Webinar. The full list of sponsors and supporters can be found on the WFPHA website event page.


The Ethiopian Public Health Association (EPHA) would like to announce that the book entitled "The Evolution of Public Health in Ethiopia" 3rd Revised Edition, is on sale. Its price is 200 birr for Ethiopians and 10 USD for foreigners. Anyone interested to buy may contact us with the following address:

Close to the Dream Line Hotel on the way to Meskel flower about 500 mt from Dembel Building Kirkos Sub City

Tel: +251-1- 416 60 83 / 41 / 88
Fax: +251-1- 416 60 86
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
P.O.Box: 7117
Addis Ababa

Measuring Health Outcomes in Field Surveys

This course explores the fundamentals of field-based health research through documentary-style learning at ongoing research projects in India and Kenya.

About this course Skip Course Description
Travel with our team to India and Kenya to see first-hand how rigorous health research is conducted in the field. This eight-week course will focus on the fundamentals of field-based health research with an emphasis on measuring health outcomes in low resource settings. The course will involve real world examples from on-going research studies in India and Kenya, combined with exercises to provide practical insights about study design, measurement of health outcomes and data collection, as well as the common challenges and constraints in implementing health surveys in the field. Case Studies and exercises will be drawn from research conducted by J-PAL affiliated professors.

JPAL350x is designed for individuals from a variety of backgrounds including those who are new to health research, as well as managers and researchers from international development organizations, foundations, governments, and non-governmental organizations around the world.

What you'll learn

  • Through a series of integrated learning modules, the course will focus on topics such as:
  • Measuring individual and population health
  • Designing research studies, including theories of change and logical frameworks
  • Selecting health indicators
  • Measurement tools and selection
  • Questionnaire development
  • Safety, hygiene, and ethical issues related to health research
  • Ethical issues

The course will run this year from September 25 - November 20, 2018. The link for registration is here: https://www.edx.org/course/mea suring-health-outcomes-in-fiel d-surveys

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